Naive- pasadores Pequeños
Each of these colourful barrettes is decorated with littlel slices of polymer clay with multiple forms and colours. Aprox. 6 cm long. Sold separately
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Vendimia - Colgante
Vineyard inspiration for this polymer clay pendant. It hags from a Buna Cord with a regulable clasp- Miramiri design.
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Espiral de Colores
En este collar de mil rayas, el fucsia se transforma poco a poco en turquesa. El contraste de los dos colores le da vida y movimiento.
Esta hecho en arcilla polimerica con cordon de caucho. El cierre regulable es tambien de arcilla polimerica- Una idea original Miramiri.
This pin striped pendant flows from fucsia into turquis blue. The contrast confers live and movement to the piece. The pendant is made of polymer clay and hangs from a buna cord with a regulable polymer clay hook & eye- Miramiri design.
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Klimt - Pulsera Rigida
Combina esta pulsera con otras doradas para crear un efecto impactante. Es muy flexible y super comoda!. Hay un fantastico colgante a juego.
Combine this superb bracelet with other gold ones to achieve the perfect effect. It is flexible and very comfortable! Check the matching Pendant

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Klimt - Espiral pequeña
El azul turquesa oscurece poco a poco para transformarse en marino. Y entremedias, mil lineas de oro hacen que la luz se refleje con mil pequeños matices en cada movimiento. Arcilla polimerica y caucho.
Each time you move this pendant, the light gets reflected in a different way. The thousand golden lines running through this turquis and royal blue pendant make it possible. Polymer clay and buna cord.
EUR 18
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Regaliz- Pulsera de cuentas
Naive. Pasadores Grandes
Se venden por separado.
Each of these colourful hair barrettes is decorated with little slices of polymer clay with multiple forms and colours. Aprox. 8 cm long.
Sold separately
EUR 15
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1. En Venta/Available,
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